Monday, January 25, 2010


I'm listening to: "Kiss your Feet" by Delirious

Delirious is my favorite band of all time. I don't pick favorites either. Like I'll never have one favorite movie, but I do have an absolute favorite band, and an absolute favorite song.  I'll tell you why it's Delirious later.

On Friday we got the chance to meet with the CEO of FAWN ( about Where You Are, he is from Detroit Michigan, and just happened to be in Miami the day Zack emailed him about Where You Are. We are really excited about partnering with them. If all goes well, they well be bringing food, and healthy liquid nutrition goodies to the camp kids in Swaziland.

Thanks for meeting Frank!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I'm listening to: "You Will Pull Through" by Barcelona

Well the title is true....sort of  :)

I run C&I with my two brilliant business partners, Zachariah, and Sarah.  Smart, smart people.  During the summer of 2009, we really started thinking about what we want out of C&I Studios.  It really started with Where You Are, to be honest.  We were thinking about Where You are, and how we didn't just want to do this "one time" project.  Like, we don't want to go to Africa do this huge project, do the camp for the kids, the documentary, and the film, and then be done.  The kids go back to their normal lives, and all is forgotten. We want to continue the work in Swaziland.  But then it wasn't just Swaziland. Sarah has a huge heart for Africa in general. She spends quite of bit of time in Kenya, South Africa, etc. And we all have this passion for global change, and how America needs an upgrade so desperately. And we just began to talk about what we want.  One thing that kept coming up was, its not about money, its not about money, C&I Studios isn't about the money.  We want something more.  We want an understanding of life.  We want to shine light on stories that would otherwise be forgotten.  We want to bring awareness and change....We want to change media.  Everything that hollywood is about, we want to be about the opposite.  So, we thought and thought.  Man, there so many phone calls, Zach was still in DC during this time.  We just wanted to analyze and evaluate everything that we were doing.  We looked at our vision: Create Inspiring Art with Exceptional Quality to Reach Humanity 2.0

We hold everything up against that vision to stay on track with what we are suppose to do.  So we looked at our vision. We looked at the three organizations that we support financially every month Flutemaker, and Camp Sonshine International.  We were finally able to see that we weren't acting like a for profit company...we were acting like a Non-Profit...

So in the summer of 2009, C&I Studios died, and C&I Studios Inc., a registered 501c3 Non Profit organization was born. 


This has been the most exciting adventure for us.  There are many non profit companies out there, but there aren't any non profit Film Studios. So different, so difficult, but we are doing it.  We are shifting our focus.  Instead of just doing corporate work (commercials, videos, training videos), we are providing severely discounted film services for organizations and people who can't really afford the industry standard rates.  And any funds that we get from any corporate job goes to support the three organizations we sponsor, and our projects.

Our films lead the way, a different kind of story telling. We always want to make sure we are being inspiring, sparking change...thinking differently.

We then started a show called Reach: The Revolt (currently in production).  The Revolt is a show where C&I Studios travels around the globe to find people who are doing amazing things. We are so excited about this. There are so many people doing great stuff, but no one knows about it, until now.  So we are so pumped on traveling worldwide (America included, there are good people America).

So, it all changed.  Including our website. Check out: We have a global view now and we think that is vital to always keep our minds thinking bigger than ourselves. We have special hidden links in RED, showing special work.

Speaking of special work. THE WHERE YOU ARE WEBSITE IS ONLINE....YAY!!!!!!!! You can also go to and click on the country Swaziland, or the feature films link.

So, there it is, I just vomited on you, verbally.  Our hearts are on paper now, well...internet paper.  But you get what I'm saying. BUT, I do need to say this as well.  We need your financial help.  All the things that we want to do, aren't free.  The stories we want to tell through the Revolt, Where You Are, and sponsoring organizations sadly, aren't free to us. We need all the help we can get. So please, if you feel like supporting us (tax deductible of course), there is cool little link on the top right side of the blog where you can give online.  And ANY amount seriously is a big deal to do us. $1, $5 seriously anything helps. $1 goes and incredible long way in Africa.  If you would like give more than those selected amounts please click here to enter your own custom amount.  This is a link to our PayPal donation page, and you don't have to have a PayPal account to send us anything. If you know of anyone who might be interested in what we are doing, or supporting us, please send them the link to this blog.  So, Why give to us?

Check out these pages about us, and our projects:

Or check out this cool video that Zack shot, explaining it in super cool black & white.  Black & White rules!!

However, we don't just want financial support. We really need so much encouragement.  It's so difficult to take on this task, but we don't feel like we decided to do this, it was just meant to be.  So, we are just being willing and obedient to what we know we are suppose to do with the rest of our lives.

Thanks you so much. We love you guys.

P.S. Oh, we are trying really hard to go to Africa in April to scout for Where You Are, and just travel and film stories for the Revolt. Wicked excited about everything that is happening. 2010 is going to be a great year.
