Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's not over, it's never over

I'm listening to: Learning to Breathe by: Switchfoot

Where You Are is not over, our dream isn't over, our missing with C&I isn't over. We are just getting it all together.  Honestly, we haven't had a lot of luck with investors, funny, i'm not too surprised, our film doesn't have enough naked girls, fast cars and chase scenes. :)  But we are getting there. C&I corporate is really helping out. We are saving cash, working hard, and we will make it happen.

Its never over baby! I just need to blog more :)

Thanks for being our friends.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2bed, 2 bath

I'm listening to: The credits of the film "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps"

I loved this film.  More importantly I love the message behind it.  ya know... all of us...really wanna be someone. we dream about it. we dream about the "what if's" and "our dreams"... "our dream moments"...we all wanna be successful... and sadly we all want money. And sure,  you say...I say..."well i don't need a lot of money, just enough to be comfortable".  Funny, if you ask people how they are doing, their response is usually based off of money. If someone is financially doing okay, they will answer with "i'm doing good, things are great"..if someone's bank account isn't so full, they'll say "yeah yeah...i don't know man...things are...whatever.  money, so powerful. we all wanna be powerful, successful, the kardashians..and entourage...90210 and madison ave.. but really, when we are quiet...none of are ready for that kind of financial success...we talk a big humanitarian game now...but what happens when 120 million dollars is deposited in your account...or 700 million dollars.... do we still drive our honda's and rent 2 bedroom and 2 baths.... or do we justify the 3 houses...and the live in chef...

we aren't ready yet...I wanna be better...I hate that kids are literally dying throughout the world...but i'll sleep good tonight..i will...and so you will you...a buddy of mind said "time flies when your having fun"... we aren't ready yet...but i know through faith, love, purpose and friends who tell you the truth, we will be.

...and where you are: project swaziland is very much alive.