Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just Play It Safe Then

I'm listening to: "Falling Out of Trees" by Barcelona

...I wake up early now.  It's around 6:50a.m.  I feel like I'm getting older.  I know my body is.  I pray that my mind stays young and open. 

I've been thinking a lot recently about risks....taking risks.... Some of us are risk takers and some of us like to play it safe.  I don't know how you get to be one or the other, but its true. 

 I've been thinking that the safest place for a boat or ship to be is docked at a harbor.  That is the best, and safest place that a ship could ever be.  No one is at risk or at danger on a boat that is docked.  No emergencies, nothing unexpected...calm.  However., that is not why boats where made...Boats weren't made to sit tied next to a dock.  It is dangerous to take your ship out and sail, who knows what can happen, but that is how this entire world was discovered.... people could have been comfortable and just sat, and played it safe, but someone decided to take a risk, a journey and explore something that has never been explored before.  And look at where our curious minds have taken us. Amazing discoveries all over the world.  But none of it would have happened unless someone decided to step out and take a risk. And taking risks isn't all peachy, fun, and super... its a risk, its dangerous, its unexpected, its random, its deadly, its amazing, its beautiful, its life, its living, its purpose, its destiny. 

And when I think about Where You Are, I see us taking a risk. I see us casting our sails into the dark ocean, without having a clue what is ahead of us.... There are no guarantees of success....failure lurks below us....there is no safe bet...But its all worth it.  I'm certain that no great things in life are achieved without someone taking a risk, usually a big one.  The great thing about us though is that we are are not alone.  Are hands are held by many would take this risk with us, who chose to get on the Where You Are ship and sail with us towards change, and real life. Don't forget about those impossible things..... you know those insane dreams....they are most realistic ones in my opinion.  Why do we continue to want things that we know are within our reach?  Don't forget about that passion, that love, that hunger for something more.  And I know that is inside of so many people, but if we could just wake up, and look around and actually see our cage of comfortability, we could change it.  Don't get lost in your life... Don't settle... Don't believe the lies that they've told to you, not one word is true...not one word is true.. Believe bigger, dream bigger than your dreams, live more, break your routine, take a risk.... gamble.... and yes you may get hurt along the way....but how long will we be robots in our mechanical lives.....or......

...just play it safe...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I'll Take The Sticks and Stones Anyday

I'm listening to :"Alibi" by David Gray

Music is so powerful.  One of the easiest ways to figure out a persons mood is to listen to the music that they are listening too.  Music has always been a huge part of my life. I love it. People sometimes as me what kind of music do I like... my response is always the same. I like Good Music. and Good Music has no genre.  So that is why I love letting you know what I'm listening to as I write, gives you a little more insight into me.  

Thanks for reading and support this cause. 

When I was younger I would always here that song...or whatever it is... "stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"... I never understood that.  I guess I still don't understand it.  A really really really good friend of mine, was working on a film this past weekend and wanted my feedback.  I watched it and I thought it was very funny.  So I emailed him my thoughts and my congrats.  He response was so interesting... "josh your words are life to me".  I feel the same way.  Words are everything...and most of the time it's the only thing that you actually have.  And if words can be life, then they also can be death....isn't that worse than a few broken bones... I guess to each his own.... I'm a writer, so I guess thats also why words are so important to me, how they are chosen, why they are positioned in the way that they are. I put a lot of thought into that.

...Your words have been life me guys... Seriously, I see your comments on the facebook, and I see your emails, that you have taken time to write to me... your words are life to me. They give me hope and strength to continue to push this boulder forward.  I long to be in Swaziland...holding a child and speaking Life to them.  There is so much power in a hug, a your eyes, and real love knows no language barrier. 

If we only knew that our words give life/death...we don't know that. I'm trying to learn that... if we knew it, we would be careful....slow to speak... we would be so careful in what we said to each other...jokes or not.... 

It's a very tough road to Where You Are...but the boulder slowly moves, and with your help it will continue. Thank you very much for the love.