Monday, July 13, 2009

Find The Beauty

I'm listening to: "Safe Place" by Enter the Worship Circle

I can't sleep. Well its only 11:43pm. Early for some of your I'm sure. But I have two girls I take care of now, both who like to sleep early. It's that I'm not tired, its that something is preventing me from sleeping....i'm restless. I'm uncomfortable.

oh...please read the post below this if you are fear is that some of these get lost in the shuffle, but that last one by sarah means a lot to me, and it comes from a really special place.

....I have a tough time trying to say what I wanna slams in my head as I type drowning out the sound of my fingers on the keyboard, just the way I like it.

My daughter...

She is four months on July 16th. Wow, I can't believe she is almost four months...I noticed something about her around her 3rd day being in this world. She looks at everything. She holds her eyes sooo big, she opens them so wide, and she has a tough time going to sleep now during the day, cause she doesn't want to miss anything. The other day we were over a buddies house, and she just couldn't stop looking at the ceiling. The ceiling. She starred at it. So...I starred at it, I didn't see anything, nothing special, but eggshell paint, it wasn't even one of those rough ceilings that you see sometimes. She looked at it for a while, then she looked at a pillow, she looks at everything. And its not like she just looks around, she studies, she is very observant. She likes to understand things. When Amy and I are discussing anything, Free Free gets really quiet and she just looks at us, trying to understand what we are talking about it. She just looks at everything.

Freedom finds the beauty in everything. It doesn't have to be a flower, it can be a bearded gentlemen asking for change on the street that captures her attention for the moment....anything, she finds the beauty in him, she finds the beauty in everything....she has nothing to hold her back. I can only pray that she will never lose that trait. Seems like everything these days bring me to Where You Are....and Free certainly did. Because she misses no opportunities. If there is something she hasn't seen before, she is quick to turn her head and stare at it, and i'll have to grab her sometimes, cause she'll look so hard that she try to get out of my grip. She captures it all in. I want that. I wanna be like her. I wanna see the beauty in everything. I wanna look at the ocean like I've never seen it before. Or look at the homeless man on the street, and not think about what he will do with the money, just think about...him. the person. I wanna live like that. I wanna live, and not miss opportunities to see, talk and feel. The beauty of film, I think are lenses. Lens companies do their best to replicate the human eye, the closer they get the better the image, but they will never come close. Never. Film is awesome cause we try to do our best to capture the things that we see. Film also won't judge what the lens sees, it just captures beauty, and love....Beauty and love. There are so many amazing things in this world, so many amazing stories, so many amazing people, but sometimes we miss opportunities to share, to talk, to laugh, to cry....we get on the elevator and hold our heads down, pull out our iPhone's so we don't have to talk to anyone....missing life. Missing opportunities....Humanity 2.0. We talk about that a lot. We look forward to that. We look forward to Where You are, to strike up conversations with people, to hug, to love, to reveal, to laugh and cry....Together. And see the beauty in Africa, see the beauty and love. Capture it the best way we know how, and show it to the world.

...Do something random, surprise yourself, do whatever it takes to break your legs out of their pattern and walk down a different hallway to your office this time. Discover how wide and deep your love is. Find the beauty in what exists all around you.

Thank you for believing in us...

1 comment:


Very nice post Joshua. You make me think of this movie: