Monday, August 17, 2009

Broward and US-1

I'm listening to: "Teardrop" by Jose Gonzalez

-C&I got on the twitter train, and we've been making tweets, for the tweeters to see. So yeah...if you are on there, let us know so we can follow you....user name c_istudios

-we are working on a new video for secret stuff...hopefully it will come out soon.

-we have another feature being written this year, as well as a great new podcast. We are doing some cool stuff. Thanks for being our friends.

A few days ago, my friend Susan (who runs the camp/school in Swaziland) returned to her home in Fort Lauderdale, so we hooked up at the local Starbucks on Broward and US-1. It was just awesome. We got a chance to talk. She finally saw pictures of my Freedom, and we talked all about Swaziland and life. So great.

I read a blog earlier by Brad Lewis, about communication, and how he's found that awesome conversations happen usually when are you away from your "usual" surroundings. I totally agree. I think people get caught in the trap of the routine (they don't think they are caught but they are). Literally driving on the same exact roads, walking down the same exact hallways, getting the exact same drink from Starbucks, the same exact sub from Subway, and end up talking to the same exact people. This happens everyday, then we usually wonder why nothing amazing is happening to us....Well from what I see, if we live that sort of life, that isn't really amazing anyway. To get friends, you have to be a friend, the best life lesson I'm re-learning, cause I watch Veggie Tales with my daughter daily. I recommend Veggie Tales especially for people who are too old for it. When was the last time, we planned something, drove somewhere where we didn't know how to get there, and met someone...stood awkwardly wondering when this person will show up. Since we've been down here in Florida, meeting new friends, and forcing ourselves to get out there, has been a very familiar situation.

It was awesome meet up with Susan at Starbucks. She really encouraged me with Where You Are . I do go up and down with this project all the time. Sometimes there is so much good news to spread and other times I get so overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork and planning that I'm doing that I get discouraged. Susan told me that the kids are so excited to meet us. She's been talking with them, and she's says that they are just so pumped and they smile each time they here the name C&I Studios. Thats so awesome. That gave me so much fuel just to imagine their smiles. Some of the women in Stieki (pronounced si-teki) made us some awesome hand made cards. so cool. Then we talked a lot about the film, and the best ways to film it, and work with the people in the town. Its so big. A lot to plan. We had scheduled ourselves to be in Swaziland in October, but that will have to pushed back, sadly....

But she said this to me. She said "Josh sometimes people get so worked up and try to force something to happen, you have to realize that its already happening, maybe not at the speed you want it to" She encouraged me that the kids will be there, and they are waiting for us. I just hope that they won't have to wait so long. But this project isn't about me or my timing, but for now I'll just plan it and continue to dive in the the paperwork and press on like we have the budget that we need, and have more unique conversations with people and build new relationships. is about relationships...and I hope I can be re-taught that lesson over and over every single day.

1 comment:

Brad Lewis said...

Great Blog. Obviously, we are on the same page on this. Thanks for the reference in your post. Stay creative!