Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Probably Shouldn't Be Posting This

I'm listening to: "Obsession" by Delirious
(if you have that song, listen to it as you read this)

Just came off of a very rough phone call. Where You Are has one really big challenge. The project has gotten so big, but maintaining the integrity is one the hardest things I've ever tried to do. We need help...production help. So many producers have expressed interest in helping us with funding and so on. And while that is exactly what this project needs....Money...I don't want to just get it anyway I can. I had this conversation with a producer:

Producer: You aren't going to find any investor who cares about your project...all they want is to know how much money they are going to make.

Joshua: Well, I don't want that. I want them to care, and know what they are giving to.

Producer: Thats not reality, you'll never find that, you need to be understanding, and get back to reality, that isn't how it works.

Joshua: We can find that. And its really important to me that we work with people who are passionate about what we are doing, not just throwing money at it.

It went a lot deeper than that, but man it was so hard. Contracts were almost signed, but I just didn't feel good about it, I went back and forth actually. But in my core, I believe in the impossible. I believe in impossible things. This whole project is about people caring about each other, how could accept this selfish money, that only cares about making more. Isn't the integrity of what we are doing important? So something had to be sacrificed. And it wasn't the integrity of the project. And it never will be. The conversation ended with the producer telling me that "Aids has been around for a long time...big'll need to find something stronger".....

...go to africa, see a child with Aids...kneel down, look him in the eyes, and say...

"big deal"

1 comment:

danielle said...

josh! we are behind you 100%! Believing in the impossible is where it's at. God's asking you to have faith...and wait. And if you are faithful in this he will bless you beyond belief. You will definitely be rewarded with success. This project will be blessed as a result of you putting it in God's hands. The people of Swaziland will be moved by God's hand as a result of your strong faith and perseverance. Just be encouraged- and remember that nothing is going to be easy and simple when you ask and believe in the impossible. Yet that doesn't mean you should do otherwise. It just means a lot will come against you because you are about to be part of something amazing and life changing to so many. It means that the end result will be even greater even bigger than what you are planning. Don't rush the project due to impatience and ease. God's timing is perfect. He's going to lead you to the perfect connections, the right people, the perfect sources for funding, all at the perfect time. His hand is definitely on this project, on you guys, and on the people of swaziland. As you are faithful to Him, He will always be faithful to you. Love you guys! And we're praying for you!