Tuesday, December 22, 2009

5am NYC

I'm listening to: "a conversation in my head I just had"

Today I woke up at 5am, it hurt. But I'm glad I did.

For those of you who don't know I travel a lot to DC for C&I corporate work and film work.  On Sunday night we had a client meeting, and then on monday night we shot a film called (he is my brother) very exciting, and then Today (tuesday) I didn't have any plans….so I went to New York City, my favorite town in the whole world. It is so cold here, but so awesome. I don't know many other cities that when you come up from the tunnel you are just excited, hopefully. Its pretty intense. I love it.
Then I thought since i'm here, why not link up with Zoe (one of our leads in Where You Are). Man it was awesome!. We met up at Balthazar in Soho, and we talked laughed, shared together for 3 hours. It was awesome. Very rare do I have a good chance to really just talk to someone for that long and have it just continue to be so interesting and awesome. I was amazed.And we didn't just like "talk" we really tallied in depth, bonded, and grew together.  Zoe is so passionate about what we are doing. Here is a quote from her, verbatim:

Zoe: "I'm so excited about the camp, that is my favorite part of the whole project"

That pretty intense for an actress to say. Don't get me wrong she loves the film, but to know that she is just as passionate about the camp, and the kids, really makes me feel good about what we are doing. Its been so hard trying to find the right kind of people for this project, but its good that i'm continuing to learn that the people we already have, really have a heart for others. Everyone single person involved with this project so far, (and there are many) all have that same heartbeat, they all care, they have all said to me at some point "this project is bigger than all of us"

So as I ride back to DC…I'm just so reflective and happy that I went with my gut. I think sometimes, we get to caught up with our grown up lives, that we forget what its like to drop everything and be random, spontaneous. Maybe its not the best way to live, but everyone once an a while you gotta break the routine and live.

I should have taken a photo, of me an Zoe, but it was too cold outset, and…whatever sorry. But Since I've been shooting everyday, there will be a film of my trip. You'll see it on our Vimeo account

I'm grateful. Super awesome christmas gift.

Zoe you rock pretty hard!

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