Friday, March 12, 2010

Thanks Freedom

I'm listening to: "The sound of the air coming out of the air thingy on the plane"

I'm listening to that, because Freedom broke my earphones.  She loves to try and eat them, and apparently Apple doesn't make them waterproof.  I would normally be zoned out listening to random music on my phone, but not tonight.  Everyone is quiet, listening to their music.  Everyone has iPhones around me, by the way.  They have made it so easy to just zone out.  You can instantly be disconnected from everyone and everything is you want to.  I feel so connected to everyone though, the plane, people. Then this guy next to me said "I'm sorry, I noticed that you didn't have your earphones in, and I was wondering if you wanted to talk?" I said "okay" (like how I say it) and we talked all the way to LA.

Ryan is cool, we talked out life, the war, bragged about our kids.  It was awesome.  He was/is in the military, I'm not sure which one, but he was cool.

I wonder how many connections and conversations i've missed out on because of this great technology, forever surrounding my life.  Funny, how people stand in line together, get on the plane sit next each other, and we don't even say "Hi" or introduce ourselves.  The waiter comes to our table in the restaurant, and we order, we don't say "Hello Sandy, how is your day going?" instead its "Yeah i'll have the chicken picatta, and can you substitute the baked potato for french fries".  Why talk to them?  It's their job right?  We are a fast train far from our rails.

Where You Are makes me hopefully that we all will be inspired to return to being real people, instead of us all trying to be these robots, who's programs and schedules are far more important than any real interaction. We are so worried about talking to people because we might "bother" them, or we don't want to be "bothered". Crazy. The first thing Ryan said to me was "I'm sorry" like talking to me was a crime.

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