Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas Selfish Swine

I'm Listening To: "Everything's Not Lost" by Coldplay

Our journey continues. We have begun work on the website for the project. I'm excited about it. The url link will be  Don't go there now, or you will be greatly disappointed. But give us some time and you will be amazed, or informed. ha. Whatever. I was recently on a shoot for a client of ours, and it made me think about when we will shoot "Where You Are".  It's interesting how these films grow. This film has a special place in my heart, cause it was written during a really hard time for me. My wife and I had just moved to Florida, and a lot of terrible things were happening around us, but it was during those unbelievably horrendous moments that "Where You Are" was reborn, if you will.  And its growing... high five!  

It's christmas time. I love it. The smell, the music, the carmel apple cider at starbucks...

..but today...right as type...across my friend, the atlantic ocean, someone dies.....

Merry Christmas. 

Sunday, December 7, 2008

There is no "We" in "Team" either.

I'm Listening to: "Grapevine Fires" by Death Cab fro Cutie

Thanks to all the people who have and do support me.  It's cool to know that people are thinking of us, praying for this project, and encouraging us to press on. However, it is not just me. There is a strong team behind me. Two people to be exact . Zachariah Lewis and Sarah Scotti.  Together the three of us merge our creative powers to make C&I Studios what it is.  It has been an awesome ride with both of them.  Zachariah has been my wing man for years. I met this 13 year kid in Washington DC, and we clicked and although there is a 6 year difference between us, homeboy is on point. He has such a unique creative eye and mind.  He also really controls the music of C&I Studios. Look, I'm just going to be honest.  Anytime you hear a good song in a film, that you like, or your checking out the things "I'm listening" to, its usually all songs that Zachariah has given to me and the studio.  If there was a drug dealer of music, Zachariah would live in a huge castle, and daily bathe in 100 dollar bills.  So his sense of music is really awesome, and together with his creative writing we are able to produce what we do.  Sarah Scotti, I also met in DC, in 2003.  Sarah just joined C&I Studios as a parter over this past summer.  Sarah and I have a close relationship and through our past 2 projects (Life Sucks & Eat, Sleep, Repeat) Sarah has worked on both of them as a part of our writing staff.  But over the summer, I really wanted her to be a part of our studio, because she is incredible.  She is a talented writer and she sees life a little bit differently than everyone else. Sarah, and I talk everyday...about films, and life, and I think it's through our conversations that really helps me come up with future films, and projects.   ....I haven't talked to Sarah in about 4 days....she's is in New York City (my favorite city) with her family, so its okay.  But she really has such a strong determination and a solid belief in what we do.  C&I Studios would not be successful without both Zachariah and Sarah. I'm thankful to you both....Although both you, probably won't even read this ....jerks.....just kidding.  

So to let you in our process a little bit, this is how we do it:

Step 1: I have a weird mind. I think different. 
Step 2. A story is given to me, in my head.
Step 3. I think about it for about 2-5 days.
Step 4: I don't tell anyone about it. 
Step 5: I start to write it down. 
Step 6. If I like what I wrote, I start telling my wife, Zachariah, and Sarah to see what they think. 
Step 7. If they like it, it makes me happy, if they don't like it, then I know the film isn't for us, and I put it in the vault. (many films have been killed at this step)
Step 8. To the lucky few that make it through, I keep my distance from them, until they keep calling my name so much, that I have to write them)
Step 9: I write.
Step 10: I read it, with music to Zachariah And Sarah. 
Step 11. They instantly (while hearing it) are writing in their heads, and have already thought of 104 ways to make it better.
Step 12. We write.
Step 13. Ideas are incorporated, things are changed and enhanced.
Step 14. The phone call, since we are far away we have these phone calls where we analyze every single word of the screenplay, until its exactly what its suppose to be. 
Step 15. The screenplay lives, and it burns in my heart, heavier and heavier everyday until its created. 

That's it...that is the writing's crazy to see it actually on paper...or internet...but that's it. One day i'll tell you about how we do it on set. Seriously, thank you to everyone who supports us.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

You Don't Know Me

I'm listening to: "Firelight" by Danielle Davidson

On every journey to something destined, the road to get there always seems to become more tough, more jagged.  Most people when they here that I want to do a project about Swaziland, and try and cause people to rethink life, they usually assume that I have such a good outlook on life, and I'm positive and I have it all together. But that isn't true.  This has been a struggle.  Some days, like today, I just feel like quitting it all, and just continue to be "Average Jack", or Josh, I guess. One would think that if I was doing something to help others, it would be an easy journey, but its not, and I think that is what matters.  Which is more important the outcome or the journey? Both? You tell me, I'm not smart enough. What I do know is this?  "Life Sucks" life is hard, even on this path to doing this project, sometimes it gets extremely hard, new life pressures blossom, challenges, and situations constantly rise.  ...I'm talking to myself now, you can listen too if you want.  No matter how dead we feel inside, no matter how hard this challenge is, we have to believe that we are here for a reason, and life is hard for a reason.  Life could be bliss, and easy, and we all could be rich, but then, nothing would be beautiful, nothing would matter.  So enjoy it Joshua.  Enjoy this painful ride for now, its worth it in the end.  But, you don't you think for one moment, that I don't struggle, or that I have it all together....give me more grace...cause i'll surprise you. I' you...."normal".  So when I'm down here, looking up on the world, don't stare back, kick me, or laugh.  Give me your hand, join me, because behind every dream, every life vision, there are a team of people working towards it. I'm not sure, if one man, one person, besides Jesus, has ever made a difference.  Usually there is always, Always, someone holding them up straight, lifting them up high, holding them tighter, so they won't fall, fail....

Enjoy the struggle.....Enjoy the Journey.... 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ask Me Why

I'm listening to: "The Light" by The Album Leaf

Blog #2, I guess. My buddy Justin ( is the one that inspired me to do this blog, and its funny he never mentioned it to me that I should do one, I was just reading his one day, and thought, "man I should do this for "Where You Are".  So here I am, on Blogger.....blogging.  Justin is a photographer, I guess our fields don't really go hand in hand, but still he has inspired me to this place. And, if I could answer the question as to why we do anything it would be because of that.  Inspiration.  I believe that Art Inspires Art.  What one person does, can completely inspire someone else to take action, do something, believe.  And as artist we hold that power, and we can wield it for good, evil, or the worst one, not use it at all.  So, we are doing this project to....change the world, to inspire people, to cause them to think.  We are doing this project, cause there is an issue in another part of the world, and it's up to us to do something about it.  We are all connected. If we just took our armor off for just 4.5 seconds we would see that connection.  We are at the beginning stages. There is so much to be done, but we know it will happen, its destined to. 

This blog will follow the progress of the project from Day 1 until we are finished, and I know it will be a cool ride, so we wanted to document it all, to show people that we aren't any different than them.  We just know what we are suppose to do, and we are going to do it. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

In the Beginning

I'm listening to: "Meadowlarks" by Fleet Foxes

To start talking about this project. I really have to talk about my best friend. I miss him. I live in Florida, he lives in crappy Maryland. But I used to live there, so I can't be that upset. When I did live there we would hang out a lot, and talk, dream. He came up with this film idea one day "Where You Are".  We wanted to make a short film out of it. We started it....we were poisoned....and we never finished it.  Thats for another blog though.  But that film has always been burning onto my heart.  Years later, this company, C&I Studios, has decided to create that film.  However, instead of a short, its a feature, and we are putting everything we have behind it.  And though my best friend and I are separated by geography, he is a part of this project, cause I can feel his heart in it.  I want to make this film, and do this project, because inside of me, us, is this desire to change the world. Sounds cheesy, or lame, but seriously, this world, America...Sucks (insert curse word). I'm trying not to curse, my mom doesn't like it. But I think we have a story that must be told, and because of my best friend, it will be told.  And I can't wait to share it with him and the world. 

Stephen, I love you and we're gonna show'em something that will change, everything.