Sunday, December 7, 2008

There is no "We" in "Team" either.

I'm Listening to: "Grapevine Fires" by Death Cab fro Cutie

Thanks to all the people who have and do support me.  It's cool to know that people are thinking of us, praying for this project, and encouraging us to press on. However, it is not just me. There is a strong team behind me. Two people to be exact . Zachariah Lewis and Sarah Scotti.  Together the three of us merge our creative powers to make C&I Studios what it is.  It has been an awesome ride with both of them.  Zachariah has been my wing man for years. I met this 13 year kid in Washington DC, and we clicked and although there is a 6 year difference between us, homeboy is on point. He has such a unique creative eye and mind.  He also really controls the music of C&I Studios. Look, I'm just going to be honest.  Anytime you hear a good song in a film, that you like, or your checking out the things "I'm listening" to, its usually all songs that Zachariah has given to me and the studio.  If there was a drug dealer of music, Zachariah would live in a huge castle, and daily bathe in 100 dollar bills.  So his sense of music is really awesome, and together with his creative writing we are able to produce what we do.  Sarah Scotti, I also met in DC, in 2003.  Sarah just joined C&I Studios as a parter over this past summer.  Sarah and I have a close relationship and through our past 2 projects (Life Sucks & Eat, Sleep, Repeat) Sarah has worked on both of them as a part of our writing staff.  But over the summer, I really wanted her to be a part of our studio, because she is incredible.  She is a talented writer and she sees life a little bit differently than everyone else. Sarah, and I talk everyday...about films, and life, and I think it's through our conversations that really helps me come up with future films, and projects.   ....I haven't talked to Sarah in about 4 days....she's is in New York City (my favorite city) with her family, so its okay.  But she really has such a strong determination and a solid belief in what we do.  C&I Studios would not be successful without both Zachariah and Sarah. I'm thankful to you both....Although both you, probably won't even read this ....jerks.....just kidding.  

So to let you in our process a little bit, this is how we do it:

Step 1: I have a weird mind. I think different. 
Step 2. A story is given to me, in my head.
Step 3. I think about it for about 2-5 days.
Step 4: I don't tell anyone about it. 
Step 5: I start to write it down. 
Step 6. If I like what I wrote, I start telling my wife, Zachariah, and Sarah to see what they think. 
Step 7. If they like it, it makes me happy, if they don't like it, then I know the film isn't for us, and I put it in the vault. (many films have been killed at this step)
Step 8. To the lucky few that make it through, I keep my distance from them, until they keep calling my name so much, that I have to write them)
Step 9: I write.
Step 10: I read it, with music to Zachariah And Sarah. 
Step 11. They instantly (while hearing it) are writing in their heads, and have already thought of 104 ways to make it better.
Step 12. We write.
Step 13. Ideas are incorporated, things are changed and enhanced.
Step 14. The phone call, since we are far away we have these phone calls where we analyze every single word of the screenplay, until its exactly what its suppose to be. 
Step 15. The screenplay lives, and it burns in my heart, heavier and heavier everyday until its created. 

That's it...that is the writing's crazy to see it actually on paper...or internet...but that's it. One day i'll tell you about how we do it on set. Seriously, thank you to everyone who supports us.

1 comment:

Justin Mein Photography said...

lol, wow Josh Im impressed, You never talk about what you do or tell any thing to any body, This is quite a step for you. Lovin it! P.S. who is Zachariah? :-p on that note who is Joshua! lol jk, love you guys!