Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm Peter Pan

I'm listening to: "Horizons" by: New City Lions

This song has been in my head for a while now. And this one line has been griping me.

"peter pan...put your sword away....its time to be a man...turn and face the day"

I think that sometimes we get caught up in neverland, and as fun, and fantastic it might seem...there is so much more. There is purpose. I believe there is a very specific purpose that we were all placed on this earth. And you know it too, you can feel it in your heart.  And when we all get serious....when look in the mirror, only at our eyes, we can be honest...raw... and this it....are we living it now?  I know there are times when I just wanna sit on the beach, laugh and talk with friends, and just hang out for days...days...but for me...right now... its time for me be a man, and face my what I'm here to do. Cause I might not be here tomorrow...this word right here, could be my last.......



it wasn't...good...I still have quite a lot to do. Don't forget why you are here. Time to be a man, pick up that guitar, that pen, that brush, that nikon camera, that microphone..and sing until your lungs hurt.  Do what you are here to do.  So that is where I am, my season...  I want to spend time with those that are close to me, all the time, but I know in my core, that I have a larger purpose.  So for right now, I need to work. action...  and when I feel like stopping, whenever feel defeated.....

run anyway.

It's so easy to forget to live. A friend of mine, Brooke Brown, wrote me an email the other day...just an email, and she was just so stinking encouraging...a lot of people have just been telling me to keep going...and I can't even tell you how much fuel that gave me.  funny, usually when people do something that really means a lot to us, we just smile, and usually think to ourselves, "wow that meant a lot" we might tell them thank you, or plan on telling them.  But we hardly ever really let them know how much it means...what places they touched in our withered hearts.  Sadly we have corrupted our own words..."thank you" hardly means thank you any more, because we have abused it, and forced ourselves to say it whenever.  So i'm learning to really be thoughtful with the people have that have really helped me.  And in my quest of living life, emails like these, simple emails that say "Josh, keep going...never give up" just re-light the fire in me, paste me back together when i'm so broken.  There aren't words I can say that would express how reading them makes me feel. This whole experience of where you are has just challenged me in so many ways.  its so its so long, but I adore what I'm learning every new day.  Life is a countdown, and these days full of grace are the greatest things that could ever be given.

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