Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Faith: That Tricky Bastard

I'm listening to: George Winston - The Crystal Ship

Hey, fellas. It's your favorite skinny white boy, Zachariah Lewis. Joshua  asked me to write a little sumsum on the blog, so here it goes...

Faith. I don't know how much of an issue it is for you blogees, but I'm learning that it's not the strongest part of me. On the whole, I've always believed in God and his plan that he has for me. But it seems that in the literal sense, I'm very negative and doubtful about things like this project. I want so bad for my studio to prosper. I want to make a change in this dark world, but it seems impossible. I'm human and there's no way this could be done. I do IT in Washington DC. I don't change the world.

I've expressed these feelings with my partners and after some good talks we've decided my problem. Faith.  I need faith in my God. He's done much bigger and better things than what we're asking for now and he wants to help. All we need is a little faith to accomplish this thing.

Matthew 17:20 says "Because you have such little faith, I tell you the truth. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'move from here to there' and it will move for you. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Nothing will be impossible.

Sorry to get so spiritual on you guys. That's just been my personal struggle.

Until next time...

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