Monday, February 2, 2009

Less Of Me Is Where Your Drawing Me....

I'm listening to: "I Must Decrease" by: Paul Daugherty And Envoy

I got up this morning thinking about life......thinking about the fatal car accident I saw on my long drive home...
What is life really about? Is it about waking up everyday, going to work, getting your assignment done on time, people liking you, and approving your decisions, sitting around having a few beers with friends....or

is it something more...

Maybe life has absolutely nothing to do with me....maybe life is waiting for me to do something to it....

I think we all need LESS of us....LESS of me....and more hope, more change, more passion about the things that actually matter in this world.  Sarah wrote a blog a couple entree's ago, read it, its called "To Not Forget", one of my favorites........This it all talk? we watch the dead woman on the side of road, and we sit in traffic and do we think......"Damn I'm going to be late"...........DAMN IT!...we do.....we do..... that isn't us...i know it.  We have forgot...we have forgotten something...and whatever it is, it needs to be ignited again....IGNITE US AGAIN!!!!!

Is it all talk?  The main reason we couldn't just make a film, is because I don't want it to be all talk...I want it to be real, to mean something, to scream loudly and say......LESS of me.... For us all to step out of our armored skin, and be vulnerable to pain, to emotion, to feel.   To do something to life to change things.  And if we fail.....and if we fail....then we still lived.... we lived more than many... 

Where You Are: Project Swaziland is our small attempt at change, and it really has nothing to do with has nothing to do with us...There are people who need we are helping...and this is the best way we know how....

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