Monday, April 27, 2009


I'm listening to: "Too Late" by: M83

Thank you for following this blog.  It's encouraging to know that there are people that are passionate life better...  Thank you

I'm not one to talk about my personal life on the internet... I have never had a myspace, or facebook, or anything like that, I don't see the point. but this... this project I love sharing my struggles and successes with you.  It's real.  And hopefully one day, someone will go back and read this long wordy blog and find an ounce of hope on their journey to film creation.  

One thing I don't like about websites and blogs, is that they don't get updated alot. The writers don't write...uggg...but I wanted to let you know why I haven't been updating it so much.  On March 16th, 2009, my wife and I had a beautiful baby girl. She is incredible... and stealing all my time, and I love every minute of it.  And as I'm writing to you right now,  she is starring at me with her bright bold eyes.  Being a father is the absolute best... it's the greatest story I could ever tell.  It's amazing that a humans can create humans, its amazing.  And I'm not one to get all spiritual on you here, but anyone who says God doesn't exist is an idiot.  I'm not sure how you can say that, and hold a child in your arms, and see how perfectly there face is crafted, and how their lungs breathe in and out, and how they know your voice, and feel safe only in your arms, that is not science, that isn't. That is unexplainable, and to me...only someone, full of love, someone supernatural, could create something so unexplainable, so perfect... I guess the counter to this argument is how could a god exists when horrible things like 911 happen.... Well maybe that has nothing to do with God, and maybe it has everything to do with corrupt people doing hateful things... 

off my little box now...

I thought making this project would get a lot harder because I have a child, but honestly she makes me want to do it even more.  Because on March 16th, 2009 another child was born in Swaziland, that has AIDS... and that child has no clue that her mom or dad will die in a few years from the same disease that she has... We are lucky...we are blessed...we are corrupt. As one is born, another one dies. That is so heavy... It's tough to deal with, and as I hold my daughter, I think about her, and how thankful I am, and how I want to do, not only this project, but other projects like it. So, that fathers and mothers can hold their children, and give them baths, and play silly games with them. We aren't living until that happiness exists around the world... and maybe it never will, maybe there will always be disease, and death... But that isn't my dream, that isn't what's in my heart. That world, that dream, is worth fighting for...its worth dying for...

Oh... My daughters name is Freedom...


amyjoymiller said...

im holding our daughter in my arms as im typeing this. babe, you got me at what you said how when one child is born another one dies... as a mother now, i cant imagine losing freedom. i pray for all those who have... i thank God every moment of the day for you as my husband, and as free's daddy. i cannot wait till we can help these kids and families in swaziland. to see them smile and have hope. hope that one day they too will have freedom.
i love you

danielle said...

AHHH, your a parent! Love ya man, Keep up the momentum if any one can do all this , its you and Amy. you know you can call us if you need any thing!
