Friday, August 7, 2009

9855 Days

I'm listening to: "The Burning Bush" by Hans Zimmer

Today is my birthday.

On the calendar I told myself to wake up at 12am and write a blog, but that wasn't happening last night, so here I am at 6:44am. I don't really like my birthday (maybe i'll tell you why someday). I don't really like all the attention and all the focus on me. I also just don't understand why only today it will feel like I have so many friends...when in reality......

Anyway. The only thing I can think of this 27th year is how this year will be someone's last year on this earth. This year I've learned a lot, I really been focusing on learning more about people and communication. My biggest lesson so far this year has been that life is a gift, and I'm not sure why people don't understand that. We make plans in our daily planners, for future days, we set our alarms and schedules, to meet with people, and we plan. We plan like this life is somehow ours...when in reality life has been given to us.

People always say "oh yeah tomorrow isn't promised to us" but we don't really believe that cause our actions don't show that. If we really believed it then we would act like it. Things would be said that have always needed to be said, there would be more hugs, more love, more reconciliation, more kisses. Some would realize that the petty arguments and vows of silence are somehow ridiculous. Life. We write films about life because that is the only thing that matters. And now I've reached the 27th year of my life, and I'm really just thankful. As much of a struggle of Where You Are is....I'm so thankful that I have something to struggle with...some people don't.

Where You Are......I love this film. I love this project. I'm meeting up with Susan sometime today, she runs the organization in Swaziland, and she just got back to Fort Lauderdale, so we are gonna grab coffee and hopefully, talk, laugh, and cry.

Oh, I did want to try and share with you some things that we are do for Where You Are, its not like we are sitting around waiting for it to fall in our laps. We just finished our DIT plan, and for those of you are into Wikipedia you can find out what that is. But Zachariah, my partner, is responsible for one of the biggest tasks on this project, (the footage...aka...the gold), and he just finished writing the plan of how we will store over 12TB of footage and back it all up. So we just finished that, and we are putting that in place now.

That has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but I'm just letting my heart tell the story today, and it just wants to be all over the place right now. I never edit these blogs, I just write them as the hearts wants to say them. I guess you could ask what do I want out of this year? Well, I'm not a fan of making goals, plans, lists...only to not follow through with them. I am a huge fan of accountability. And people sometimes don't realize that when their real friends are telling them something difficult they aren't deciding to be a jerk, they are actually being a real friend. I have two real friends, who are my partners, Zachariah, and Sarah. They keep me accountable, ask me questions, push me, challenge me. Without that, goals would just be letters on a paper. And because of their accountability that is why we move forward. So do a quick check around you, the people in your life that will tell you the truth, which is sometimes not what you wanna hear, the ones that actually will have the rough conversations...those are the ones you wanna hold onto. I'm so blessed to have both Zach and Sarah as my partners, but more importantly, friends.

My birthday wish...has nothing to do with me, but all of us. Its the same wish I have everyday, the wish for Where You Are, for our studio for everything. LIVE life....refuse to get caught up in things that don't really matter....take a day off, visit the beach, visit great falls. Take our your camera out, whip out that paint brush...get behind that keyboard...take your family, and go out, take pictures, have a pinic, watch the sunrise...tell someone that you love them...tell someone that you are in love with them....LIVE life....LIVE life the way, my left leg hurts when I wake up, the right side of my hip stings, I can't sleep through the night without going to the bathroom.......someone tell me body I'm not getting older please.


Brad Lewis said...

Happy Birthday Josh! The pains get worse, and the night time bathroom trips get more frequent, but as we get older, God gives us more grace to deal with it. You're a good man. Can I say this... I love you!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY WES... O' wait a sec still have that movie in my mind... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH. I'll be your friend until midnight at least :-)

O' BTW... walking 5.3 miles a day does wonders for the nighttime bathroom thing. <--- consider this my birthday present and a damn good one at that.