Friday, August 28, 2009

Feel Alive Again

I'm listening to: "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City (on my iPhone)

Our MacPro (Counte Mondego) is installing Snow Leopard right now, so I can't open up iTunes, thank god for the iPhone. (remember when we all got on the bus, went to school, got back on the bus, got off at our bus stop and walked home....all without cell phones....I swear the technology is killing our minds...maybe i'll read a newspaper today and play MathBlasters (remember that game) sister would be proud of me....unless its the sun-sentinel that I read.

I'm still getting adjusted to this new work environment. After many long talks with my wife, my sidekick (freedom) my managers (mom+dad), and my partners we have decided to finally let C&I Studios be my full time job. I'm looking forward to see what the future holds. I gotta tell you, its not easy. It's not easy cause its not safe, its not secure. And it really requires us to put our faith and our trust in something bigger...

It's only been a week so far and things have been working out well, thanks for all the emails from all of you. I feel really supported. Thanks Windy, Brad, mom and dad, and dad, Zachariah, Sarah, and Isaac

Some news:
Zachariah drives to Philly tomorrow to pick up some new equipment. Please let me know if there a good restaurant up there that he should check out on the way.

The Owl City show is coming up really soon, and we are excited to shoot that. Its been in the works for a long time.

I'll be in DC a lot in September, so if you are reading this from MD or the District, let me know, so we can have a midnight conversation.

Onto my friend-Where You Are. We have set the auditions for October 24th, 2009 at the DC Arts Center. So if you know of good serious actors, tell them shoot us their info, here is my email:

This is a big step for us, really reaching out to find the right people to play these characters who are already full of life. I love what we are doing. Ya know, sometimes, everything doesn't make sense. Sometimes life is just life. I just think when you believe in something, just go after it, and never quit. Ever. It has been a crazy marathon so far, and its been hard, but beautiful at the same time. I don't have a "real job" now. Who says I need one? I love how I feel like I'm really living, spending more time with my sidekick and my wife. Oh bills....ha....sadly they don't care that I don't have a real job...they keep coming for some reason. If anyone knows how to stop them, let me know. We can make a film about it :)

A big part of C&I Studios is our work, our corporate and creative work. We have always shot, and edited for companies (commercials, promos, events, that sort of thing). Now that is the bulk of what we do now. And we are excited that the more we do, the more we will be able to put in to our creative projects like Where You Are, and many many more films/shows/podcasts. So its been awesome to get out of the long line, and start our something different.

I wish you could see who we've become....

When violet eyes get brighter, And heavy wings grow lighter , I'll taste the sky and feel alive again , And I'll forget the world that I knew , But I swear I won't forget you, Oh, if my voice, could reach back through the past , I'd whisper in your ear, Oh darling I wish you were here...

kings to you fernand...

here is a pic of my sidekick grabbing fruit at Publix (no her hands aren't huge, its just that the camera is close, silly....)


Unknown said...

Ahh, kings to you.

Brad Lewis said...

Josh- thanks for sharing some of the deepest parts of your heart: joys, fears, vision. We stand with you!

Joshua MIller said...

Thanks guys. We will keep on pushing despite how grey the skies are.......and who says grey skies are the perfect time to film...