Sunday, August 30, 2009

On Screen

I'm still listening to: "Vanilla Twilight" - Owl City

Auditions have been flooding in, so amazing to see the great talent. What is even more awesome is everyone that has emailed me so far as very moved by being a part of something important, something bigger. It's amazing to find that there are still amazing passionate people in America.

My wife and I were watching a film last night.....really can't remember the name. Well let me start over. A few days ago, it was time to move Freedom into her crib, so she could begin to sleep in her own bed. This was really hard for amy and I. Being 20 steps away was like some sort of separation, I still hate every moment of it. So the only way this was possible was to buy one of those crappy baby monitor things. But we really wanted to see her, so we got one that had a screen, and it sits on our night stand so we can see and hear here.

Well during the moving.....State of Play, that was it. We both have to watch it again, because we found that during the whole move we kept asking each other what happened, cause we were always looking at her baby monitor screen. Our TV in our room is a 57" Samsung HD, amazing TV (come on, a I'm film director), it has an amazing picture, and we rarely watch anything that isn't in HD, I mean why would you.

I just think its interesting that depsite our glorious TV, and the amazing talent of Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck and others all displayed in HD....what kept our attention, was the crappy, heave small 4inch CRT(not LCD) baby monitor....

It really made me think...As a film director and producer, the image, and quality is really important to us. We shoot with these RED cameras that are so amazing, with these expensive microphones and huge productions...But when its all said and done.....its whats on the screen that matters.

Story is King.

Forget the budget and all the production value that will go into this project, I want people to be moved by the story of the film, the interviews from the documentary, and the camp. I want people to be moved by people, by what they are seeing. It's all about whats on screen, and I know Hollywood has forgotten that. I usually find myself watching films and I think "this film was absolutely horrible, how did it make it in theaters". Well hollywood is very different than C&I Studios. T hey only look at what is marketable, and what will sell, thats it. Nothing else really matters. For us, we care about making something that other will want to see, but we are way more interested in doing this project to reach out beyond ourself, and speak for a group of people who have no voice....We are way more interested in using our acting, directing, producing, and cinematography talents for something more than a quick buck. And we can't wait to put these moments on the screen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Story is King. King is the Story. :)