Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Step Closer...

I'm listening to: "Under Bridges" by Brave Saint Saturn

Today we printed our proposals for the project.  We needed to do a quick test before we place a huge order, so the wife and I were off to kinkos.  It was awesome to see the proposals actually printed, they look really good, and we will be glad to begin to send them out to everyone.  The guy that was helping us, was sort of checking out the proposal as he was helping arrange it.  He asked "where are you guys sending this to?" We told him, "Everywhere, LA, NYC, London, people all over the world" . He paused. looked at the register and smiled and said to himself..."its cool that I'm a part of that". 

That statement made me think of all the people who are part of this. Maybe by reading this blog, or whatever. This project really isn't about me, or about this studio, its really about something bigger. It's about changing life, about living again......

.....and now we are one step closer to infecting people all over world with this project. 

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