Saturday, June 13, 2009

Everything else was just a prequel...

I'm listening to: "Intimate Stranger" by Delirious

hey there... hope you all have been doing well. C&I Studios has been going through a lot of changes in the past few weeks, which has been really really great. We are excited to continue to move this ship forward. What's really interesting about Where You Are, is that its caused us to question a lot of things about the studio. And if you ask me we have completely changed our studio because of this project. It's been an awesome journey so far. And to me, its the journey that matters.
A lot of people can't wait until they "arrive", win the oscar, or land that "big part", but I think its the journey matters more than where you will end up. I look at the things that i've learned along the way and its been refreshing. This project has changed me, and the people that we have met as well has been so meaningful. To me the road to Where You Are is just as important as Where You Are. And sure there have been down times, and discouragement, but that mostly comes from ourselves I think.
Its funny how we can be our own worst enemy. I remember my college days; I would sleeping in the bed and my alarm would go off at 6:30am. (what an insane time to wake up, who has anything to do then), but the alarm would ring, and I would silence it. Then I would always do something so stupid... My body try to convince my mind that I didn't have to go to class, and that missing one class wouldn't be so bad, or that, "you know the professor is just going to talk about the same thing again", "you can get the notes from someone". ha. man I missed so many classes, and had to repeat a bunch along the way in order to graduate. We can be our own worst enemy. We, us, ourselves can convince ourselves to stop....give up. Why? I don't know, maybe its our fear of failure, or we are so overwhelmed with everything else that is going on, we can't even see how our small tiny little hearts can change anything in this love lost world.
So learning how to go against the grain, to do what seems impossible, to fail, and continue to fail and then....continue...these lessons have been so valuable to me. And I know Where You Are will be better because of it, but also me as a person, I want to continue to go through these new trials... the road that we are on now, is the one that matters most.
Holding my daughter in my hands, looking into my wife's loving eyes, and this project in my heart, I feel like my life is just starting. Everything before this was just a prequel... I feel like everything before was just setting me up for these new moments. Before, a long time ago, I worked at a summer day camp for nine years called Camp Sonshine from the ages of 13-22. There I learned a lot about love, how to show it, not preach it. That is where I found a love of acting, and drama, and then later there, a love of video, film, story-telling. It was there that I knew I love kids, and how they continue to steal a large portion of my heart. Kids are innocent....they are honest. They will tell you what they think, their laughs are genuine, always... and I miss hearing that more than anything. It was at camp where I struggled to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life. It was at camp where I failed....a lot, so many times letting my attitude and ego get in the way of the bigger picture. It was camp where I learned to pick myself up from failures and continue to press on, and be different.
Wow.... .... wow..

Well, the reason I wow, is because this project is all about kids, love, and a struggle within all of us. A big part of the project is a day camp that we are running in Swaziland for the kids, mostly with HIV, to show them real love and give them hope and purpose. I'm honored that it will be Camp Sonshine that joins with us now, to run the camp, and be featured in the documentary and the film. Wow. Sarah and I got to meet with David Black, the founder of Camp Sonshine about a week ago in Maryland, and it was amazing to sit and talk with him and be excited together...again. David, is such an amazing person! And though sometimes I've heard the same things repeated from him over the years, its those words now that give me more strength to continue on....

"have a vision so big, that without God will fail..."

so we press on, thanks for believing in us.

p.s. by the way I get up at 6:30am now everyday for Freedom....ironic, huh...but this time I LOVE IT.


Justin Mein Photography said...

boo-ya! Yeah brother , you speak the truth, That thing about the alarm amen to that, We have to whip our selfs into submission! Hey were are your shout outs to songs of Joy! lol I didn't see that on the Reach site! Which is cool by the way, very nice touch. lol oh just a heads up the links on your news letters are broken. Check it out .

Brad Lewis said...

Powerful words Josh. Thanks for being refreshingly honest about where you are, and where you have been.

Maybe in five, maybe ten, maybe twenty years from now you will be at the beginning of another project and realize that everything up until then will have been a prequel, including "Where Are You?".

Keep dreaming!