Friday, June 26, 2009

One Dies...Another Gets Even Stronger

I'm listening to: "Divine Romance" by Phil Wickhman


We decided to get rid of our other blog, you may not have ever heard of it. It was C&I Studios News. It was just too hard to keep both of these up and running, and now with this facebook thing, a lot of our news goes there. But in an effort to keep the news running, i'll be updating this blog with some general C&I Studios News, which will also translate into Where You Are updates as well. I hope you don't mind. So one blog died tonight......

moment of silent for the zeros and ones....

over it....

Tonight I wanna talk about community. Community and filmmaking...they go hand in hand for me. Let me explain why. I'm so isolated being in Florida, my business partners and close friends are in D.C. and I'm down here, so far away. Some tonight its easy to feel so alone. And why would I think that. I have a a beautiful wife, and a beautiful daughter, so why would I feel I feel now... I've been thinking about community recently. And how I love community, the feeling of a group a people doing something together, struggling together. I would always tell Amy, I wish I would pick some of my friends and just move to an island together. Its community that I crave so much. To have people who understand you, on the same wavelength, non-judgmental...that you can fall back on. I don't know maybe that doesn't exist anywhere, but its a dream of mine, and the reason I like film so much, is because it takes a community to make one. Good filmmaking is not a one man band. And I'm enjoying being a part of the Where You Are community. The heart beat of C&I is people coming together, working together, to create something beautiful. And I believe that we will all learn something about ourselves, and each other.

Live Together, Die Alone.

We are so excited to you join us. Each of you will bring something so new, and unique to the project. That is going to be really special, and this blog will continue to document this adventure. I sometimes imagine what it will be like to blog in Africa, I can't wait. (well i can wait a little, we have a lot to do) Its funny too, our studios has such an international heart beat, but really Sarah is our only international traveler so far. I went to the DR with my wife a couple years back, but that really doesn't count as "being out of the country. Does it?" So, really i'll get to have the experience of Where You Are (just so you know in the studio we abbreviate our film titles so when we talk about Where You Are, we always say WYA) and the experience of true international travel. I'm excited about life, even if I'm down in Florida away from so many. I'm sure that being isolated and down here has been the best thing for the project, and allowed me to focus and reflect. And honestly, WYA would have never if we didn't move to Florida, but that story is for another blog.

I'm going to do my best to update this blog more, on a regular basis, but I also don't want to over burden you either. So sit back, relax and enjoy this journey with us.

I read something somewhere that if you want more people to read your blog you should have pictures.......i don't have any...

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