Monday, June 29, 2009

Then We Succeed

I'm listening to: "Please Don't Go" by Barcelona

hey all,

first a little news. sarah is at camp now.......a part of me feels like I'm at camp now too. It's crazy to think that we will be running that in Swaziland. Anyway news.....uhhh nothing huge at the moment. We are planning to hold the 1st Where You Are audition in Washington D.C. in late August/early September. Once we cast this will allow us to do some much necessary test shoots, before we film the film. More details about the auditions will come very soon. We will run a few probably in some different cities, but we are excited to get this going.

Movies...... I love watching movies... you might think that is typical, but I like watching all types of film...all types, EXCEPT horror........uhhh..........uhh...okay i'm gonna get up on soap box about horror movies.....they make me sick. And its not because of the blood or gore that is in them, but its bigger, I can't get lost in a horror movie (and I do say movie, not film). Usually when I've watched them in the past, I can see myself watching one, and that is what makes me sick...what is so terrible about them, is that people pay for them, and pay to watch them, for entertainment. People pay to see people be viscously killed and "its cool". To me its no different than putting on come clothes, going to the Colosseum to see some people get killed by lions...that was there entertainment back them, gather around put some people in there and watch them be killed. Now one would argue that the horror movie isn't real, no one is really dying.....but the feeling you feel is real....probably the same way someone would feel watching in a Colosseum... its just strange... it represents the dark dark side of humans... the fact that we want to see that kind of thing, scares the hell out of me. okay, sorry I wasn't planning that...and of course I'm thinking about deleting it, but....I'm not.

I love film because to me its an education, I love to study. So i'll watch them all, action, chik flicks, and all that, cause I love to study, see what the director did. But the entertainment has been lost, I haven't found myself lost in a moving story in so long. Seems like now everyone wants computers to make their films, put 2 actors in a green warehouse and make Transformers. (Which I'm sure will make millions and millions and millions of dollars, the first one made over 150 million, and the second has already made 200 million in one weekend...but its a pointless movies, about robots, which is cool, but doesn't inspire or move anyone to change anything about themselves. and on the side you have "Into the Wild" which got no attention, at all, but had one of the strongest messages I've seen in a long time).......and what will they do with the 300+ MILLION dollars that they have now.........uhhh make Transformers 3 of course....uggg...Movies... They can be so powerful. Its a lot of power to take millions of dollars and create something. I'm excited that C&I will always use that power for good. We will always use that power to create something that inspires people, that tries to open up all of our eyes, instead of making something with a bad story line, bad acting, but has "super cool CGI".

I was watching this interview thing I watch, a group of guys sitting around a table, drinking wine, basically discouraging every film maker in the world about how hard it is to make a film and how people should just be using youtube and stuff, to showcase work and that "you are better off winning the lottery than making a successful movie". Its funny, cause they consider themselves to be so knowledgeable about the film industry, but man, they lack hope...they lack something bigger, they are just marching in line with the other ants....without hope for anything else, and sadly they are broadcasting this show erasing hope from other sad. When people have dreams why are there always people who wanna crush it? So, I began to think, what if Where You Are doesn't make it, what if the film gets no attention, what if only three people watch it, it "fails" in the eyes of hollywood, and we lose money, and we are stuck with a mountain of unsell-able dvd's.......well if that happens...

Then we succeed...

why..because I'm just so hopefully that if even three people watch it then its good? no. but if three people watch it and are inspired to create something, do something, if three people watch it and they affect the other people that they interact with, if they then challenge people, and they themselves create something new.....we succeed. If no one watches it, we succeed...why, cause there are a group of kids in Swaziland that we just loved on during camp.......

and everyone of those hugs is worth more than any film.

here is pic of Swaziland. These are the exact kids and the exact location of where we are going...thanks for being our friends.

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