Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Step Closer...

I'm listening to: "Under Bridges" by Brave Saint Saturn

Today we printed our proposals for the project.  We needed to do a quick test before we place a huge order, so the wife and I were off to kinkos.  It was awesome to see the proposals actually printed, they look really good, and we will be glad to begin to send them out to everyone.  The guy that was helping us, was sort of checking out the proposal as he was helping arrange it.  He asked "where are you guys sending this to?" We told him, "Everywhere, LA, NYC, London, people all over the world" . He paused. looked at the register and smiled and said to himself..."its cool that I'm a part of that". 

That statement made me think of all the people who are part of this. Maybe by reading this blog, or whatever. This project really isn't about me, or about this studio, its really about something bigger. It's about changing life, about living again......

.....and now we are one step closer to infecting people all over world with this project. 

To Not Forget

I'm listening to: "The Blues" by Switchfoot (over and over again)

This is Sarah, not Josh.  Just needed to start out by saying that.  Josh(ua) has given me the ultimate honor, the keys to all power, the authority to change everything... the blog log-in and password.  What an honor...

I just got back from Africa.  Last Friday, actually.  I still have the sunburn to prove it, and more than anything, I have the disease of restlessness that seems to come whenever I leave freedom, beauty, and African children behind and return to working in a basement behind a computer for eight hours a day.  Something seems horribly wrong.

One thing about this project that excites me is the fact that it is just that... a project.  It's not just a film, even though the film alone is more than enough to stand on its own.  Zach, Josh, and I talk a lot about the why behind what we do.  A lot.  One thing that we feel so strongly about is the desire to push people beyond themselves, their lives, their day-to-day living.  It's so easy to be consumed with ourselves to the point that we can't see the people around us.  At best, we care about those close to us... our friends, families, neighbors.  Maybe.  But not many of us think beyond that.

It bothers me when I leave Africa, because I get scared that I'll forget.  I'll forget that people sell charcoal on the side of the road for pennies, just to get food for their families.  I'll forget that men ride rickety bikes miles in the heat every day, just to look for work.  I'll forget that kids sit 129 in a classroom... on dusty floors, just to get some semblance of an education.  I'll forget about the women who look like they're 70, but are only 40, just because life has been hard on them.  I'll forget because it's not in front of my face, because I'm not feeling the same sun or breathing in the same dust.  I'm scared to forget.

But Where You Are motivates me... motivates me to remember.  Motivates me to push others to remember.  It's a big world out there, and I bet your world is small.  Every January mine gets a little bigger, but then the American dream shrinks it back down to small selfishness.  So here's to our worlds growing... expanding... reaching...

they're more than just faces [and feet].  they're real and they're lovely.

it will be a day like this one... when the sky falls down... and the hungry and poor and deserted are found...

nothing is okay... until the world caves in.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Perfect Score

I'm listening to: "The Journey" by Hans Zimmer

These past few months have been so busy for us... Sorry I haven't written more, I'm getting better.  The dream of this project started almost one year ago, and ever since it was written, I've dreamed of one of my greatest friends to compose the music to the film. Darren Mcfate. Not only is he one of the most talented writer/conductor/composer that I've ever known, he is an amazing husband/father/friend.  I respect him and look up to him. Here is some background. I worked at a place for 2 years with Darren. I didn't like there at all, in fact I was trying to leave ever since I started, but nevertheless, I was there.  One thing that kept me there for so long was the friendship that I had with Darren and his family. They welcomed my wife and I into their home and treated us with such grace. As you know, I now live in florida, away from Darren and that job, which was in DC, but I know I was at that place for a reason.  It's only perfect that I would meet Darren there, and we would become good friends and talk about our favorite composers, and scores, and now that we have this project.... it;s destiny that we would work on it together...... I stand in awe of life, and how your dreams really are impossible, in every way, without the support of real people, real friends, who believe in you.... Life does lead us through painful moments, horrible times, that we do not understand. But as I sit on my balcony staring north to DC, I now know why I worked at that place. I can see how I was meant to live through that struggle to gain strength that I would have otherwise not acquired. So as you watch our film and as your are moved by what you will really be moved by what you hear.....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In English Please

I'm listening to: "Living is Simple" by Switchfoot

Many people have wondered what is Where You Are: Project Swaziland and how is it so different than any other film project. Well below is the basic version of the film proposal that we are sending out to people who are interested. It explains exactly what we are doing. and we really want your support. 

This project, Where You Are: Project Swaziland is an amazing opportunity to make a strong impact on our world.  What excites our team is the ability to offer something more than just a film. 

Below are the projects three components:

1.  A Day Camp for children in Swaziland will be conducted to just spread love to children who are in need.

2. A Documentary of the overall need in Swaziland will be made as the day camp runs and as the film is being shot, to show not only the need of Swaziland but also its beauty. 

3. A Feature Film.  Upon returning to the states, C&I Studios will finish production of the film and release it to film distributors, film festivals, and theaters.  The documentary as well will be placed into post production and be release to film festivals and film distributors. 

We believe that without a miracle, no change is overnight.  But we know that from the day camp, the documentary and the feature film, we can plant a seed in the average persons heart to at least consider the possibility that we all can make a difference.  We do not think that this project will instantly change the situations in Swaziland, but we know that it is a start. 


Imagine living the perfect life, but inside you were wishing to be someone else.   Shawn Hunter, a business executive, travels to  Swaziland Africa to work on a 'corporate image' commercial for his firm.  While Shawn is in Swaziland, he unknowingly falls in love with the children of the village and becomes surprisingly passionate about bringing awareness and change to Swaziland's largest     problem; HIV/AIDS. Upon Shawn's hesitant return to the States, he is met with his old fast-paced lifestyle, high-profile business      commitments, the woman of his dreams, and his loving family. Shawn is torn between trying to live a normal successful life again and dreaming about the children in Swaziland and changing their world.  This is a story of two worlds colliding with one man caught deeply in between.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Raising The Dead In Me

I'm listening to: "All My Days" by Alexi Murdock

Live Together, Die Alone. 

I go back and forth from wanting to see films in the theatre. For me, sometimes, I don't go for long periods of time from wanting to see anything on the "big screen". Why? first of all, I'm weird.  Second, sometimes, I just see things done so well, it's almost depressing.  But during this past week or two, I went to the theatre to see some of my favorite actors (Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, and Tom Cruise).  And they were absolutely wonderful. But my fear did come true.  It is really hard to see someone else do what you want to do, really well.  But it has been good to lean back on some really key people in my life.  Some that are right next to me, some that I haven't talked to deeply in a while, and it' like gaining new energy, new strength. So thank you.  Friendship....Combined with Love could just possibly be the strongest force in the world.  

Where You Are remains strong and focused. We are hoping to partner with a lot of people this year and really begin moving more swiftly towards our goal. We have begun to work with our storyboard artist and just seeing the scenes come to life is amazing. People ask all the time why our studio is called C&I Studios. Well, I'm not going to tell you why. But I will tell you, when we work with each other, when we move together, that is when beautiful things are created.  And I'm still learning that when you have seemed to have lost it all, or have been absolutely been betrayed by someone, having those people surround you, with a phone call, email, or text message can change your entire world. 

No man is an island....I'm working on that. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Shine

I'm listening to: "Marching Bands of Manhattan" by Death Cab for Cutie

Welcome 2009.  We are 3 days in already, I guess if I was a good blogger, I would have wrote to you on New Years Eve, or New Years day.....but.....i'm not a good blogger.  My impressions of 2009 so far, seem good.  I expect a lot out of 2009.  And our studio is really focused on getting things done this year.  We want to enter 2010 a lot strong than this year.  And now we have 363 days to make it happen. So the countdown begins. 

Anyway. Where You Are.  man what a journey, what and epic journey.  We are going to NYC in february to shoot a video promo which will describe in detail what the project is.  So I'm really excited about that.  I love NYC, is it by far, my favorite city. So you guys can expect to see that in this next coming months.